This is an image that I refer often to in my role as an instructional coach, and I've been thinking about it in my own life these last few weeks. There is SO much that we don't have control over right now, so I'm working on thinking about where I'm putting my energy.
I don't have control over the fact that my daughter is not getting the instruction and social interaction that is best for her age and developmental level, and that is hard for me! However, I do have control over how joyful our learning is at home. I can influence her confidence and love for learning through reading high quality books with her and valuing her mathematical thinking as we work together.
I don't have control over the fact that my 4 year old twins don't get to go to preschool or interact with peers, but I can take this time to snuggle them more than I usually would. I have control over how much I read to them, take time to put out some messy projects for them, and really bond with them in a way that is hard to do when I'm working all day.
I don't have control over when this social distancing will end, or what it will look like when it eases up. However, I can influence the amount of gratitude my family spends time focusing on as we stay socially distant. I can build in routines to state what we are thankful for at each dinner conversation, and remind myself to stay vocal about what I'm thankful for so the culture of my house stays positive on what we have - not what we don't have.
This is not easy for me in other areas. I don't have control over the millions of children who are suffering right now. I don't have control over the plight of our amazing health care workers. I'm working on accepting these facts, and shifting my energies to what I can control and influence. Today when I find myself fixated on what I cannot control, I will look back at this image and consider where I'm putting my energy.
Hope you can find ways to give your own pep talks today... thanks for listening to mine!
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